Sunday, July 1, 2012

On the words you never said...

We exchanged words for hours on end. He became my best friend in the whole entire world. He listened and understood me, and I couldn't help but listen to the deep and wondrous thoughts that traveled into my ear from endless lines of words behind words. I become fascinated. We fell in love.

The person I couldn't help myself from staring at. Why? That's something I couldn't tell you. The person who could have been just another stranger who happened to cross my path and simply become less than a brief second of my attention. Just another entity with his own existence completely separated  from all and anything that has something to do with me. 

Some wicked sic crazy art.

 By Salvador Dali, a Spanish surrealist born in 1904, Spain (my all time favourite artist)

 A picture of a friend I'm drawing :)

 A beautiful abundance of fruit.

But that's all he is. 

That's what hundreds upon thousands of "him"s are. Because we are (or I am) just a chicken. Caught up in myself, a little too proud to take a chance in the fear of rejection and embarrassment. Too scared to communicate the chemical reactions that occur within my head that become thoughts, but only that and never more because I fail to let them become existent in the external world. 

I went to some body c..h..a..r.. something.... I have no idea actually, but I put my hands on some metal plates and it created some picture of my body with multiple colours and an analysis of my being. The old man gave me some advice:

"Your thoughts don't exist until you communicate them. What you hold within your mind is a secret to the universe and only you can pull them into existence. Relax a little and express yourself; with this you have nothing lose. If you don't, you have everything to lose."

I walked away pissed off to be honest. He had said some other stuff about how I'm too scared about what people think about me.

But, later... this is about two months later... I realized how valuable this is.

There are many, many, many, many, many.... many things I could have, would have, should have said but I never did. To people who have no idea who I am or that I exist at all, and now will never have anything to do with my life. To people who I know or knew, who I love or loved, or who have made an important impact in my life.

Why do I let people walk away? Why I am so scared? Why do I let the question be :"Who's going to LET ME?", instead of "Who's going to STOP ME?"

I am scared. But I think (I think) we are all a little scared about what other people think. But why is that so important? We might be missing out on a whole lot...

Practice existing and embrace the beauty of communication. No matter what you have to say- someone will listen. (If nobody does, then I promise I will), because your thoughts deserve to be spoken, and that little thought might become a lot more. So always, always remember:

The words that hurt you the most, are the words you never say.


  1. Wow. I sure hope more people are reading your blogs. It would show them how much we have in comparisson to other places around the world. We don't have to tell people we love them on a daily basis because we aren't in any fear of losing them. If for one second we knew a beloved close one was going to pass away, it would change our emotions completely. No longer would we hesitate to speak out hearts with these people, no longer would we wait to

  2. say I love you or pause when we go to give a hug. We never truly understand how much we have. Everything is taken for granted and nothing is given back. For certain people, all they have is nothing and all they wish for is something. For us it comes down to having everything and always wishing for more. Boil down the society we live in today and we are nothing but vultures.

  3. Super thanks for sharing that! You got my point exactly :)
