I didn't think so, either.
Although I love my work, I decided not to tell you all about it just yet.
Instead, I share about agreements, happiness, and choice.
Made myself a cappuccino.
What if everything that is, was just a dream? Our reality- only manifestations of our mind. You think things would be different, perhaps. If what is, is a manifestation of my mind, then why do I fear? Why do I have flaws? Why am I not perfect?
I think it's been encrypted in my existence to ask a lot of questions. As a kid, my dad was the all-knowing basket I dispensed never ending questions into, surely I drove him past the point of annoyance. Now and days, I usually keep to myself. But lucky you :) I thought I'd kindly provide you with a glimpse of the non-sense that makes up the matter in my mind.
Young, wild, free. Oh, these kids...
Everything is an agreement., whether we chose to agree to it or not. For example, one of the biggest being our language. The words we say convey a certain meaning because we all agree that a given word has a given meaning. Likewise, what it means to be a "good person" vs a "bad person" is an implicit understanding we are all raised to agree upon (in a general sense, anyhow).
We often act to comply with the agreements of our family, our society, and sometimes we end up thinking of "ourselves". I grew up with life meaning go to school, study hard, get good grades, get a degree or two, get a good job, make good money, good money means success, and success equals happiness.
So, if my calculations are correct, by the time I'm too old to bend over and tie my own shoes, I might reach that happiness.
I admit, I'm totally over-exaggerating. I am a super happy person and I'm in love with life. But I find myself questioning our routine far too often.
I have this desire to be perfect. I want to look a certain way, I want to have a certain grade, I want to be known, (and well-known) as "that girl"- so smart, so successful, so powerful.
I asked myself Why? All these desires are to fit a certain "agreement" instilled within me, defining what perfection is. I have been trained and conditioned to manifest a world in which I need to "succeed" by being all of these things that I have agreed are "desirable." I have been brought up understanding the truth is that this is how the world works. Follow the norms, follow the expectations, follow the rules, follow the laws. I live in fear of failing to do so. I fear punishment, I fear rejection.
Ugh... what a sad and ugly picture. Okay total 180.
That's better.
I happy (:
That's not a true depiction of how I see life. I don't live in fear- I live in optimism.
A flaw is a term defined by agreeing upon how something should be- and I don't agree. Therefore, my "flaws" are not "flaws", rather a part of me just as valuable as any other trait. I only strive to reflect my inner existence, therefore I agree that:
I am, that I am.
I am strong, I am.
I am happy, I am.
I am healthy, I am.
I am perfect as I am.
So maybe... my reality really is only a manifestation of my mind. My desires are my control. My agreements are only mine, and I can choose to accept what I am told just as equally as I can choose not to.
Whether you think so or not, life is as it is.
Manifest happiness :)
I hope not to fear rejection, but live in acceptance.
I hope not to chase happiness, but be happiness.
I hope not to let choice be dictated, but let choice be freedom.